Objects of the sentence are divided into two types: 1.) Direct Object 2.) Indirect Object
Direct Objects
Pronoun as a direct object directly receives the action. It is the one directly acted upon.
"Lance told her."
Who is the subject? Lance because he is the one doing the action.
What did Lance do? Told something to someone.
Whom did he tell? Her.
The person referred to by the pronoun 'her' is the direct receiver of the action Lance did. Therefore, 'her' is the direct object. That person is the one being acted upon.
More examples:
"Sandy chew it."
"They saw him."
"Millie told them."
Indirect Object
Pronoun as an indirect object indirectly receives the action. The direct object receives the action first, then the indirect object receives the action second.
"Lance told her the secret."
The indirect object in this sentence is the pronoun 'her' because she received the direct object or received the action second.
Lance gave the flowers to her. Lance acted upon the secret first. Then acted upon her second, which means to say, Lance knew the secret first so that he could tell it to her, whoever this person was.
Another example:
"Max lent it to him."
There are two pronouns in the sentence: 1.) it 2.) him
The sentence pattern is not the same as in the first example. Therefore, it cannot directly be assumed that 'it' is the indirect object because firsthand, Max acted toward the thing first which is represented by the pronoun 'it'. She then acted toward him, second. As a result, 'him' is the indirect object while 'it' is the direct one.
More examples:
"She made her this."
"Matthew gave that to her."
"They asked them one."
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