neither … norneither ... nor is used to negate two options. Examples: "She has neither the money nor the time to go for an expensive night out." Meaning: She doesn't have money, and she doesn't have time to go for a night out. Both options are negative. "Neither they care nor do they understand the situation." Meaning: They do not care, and they do not understand the situation. Both options are negative. "Neither the food nor the dessert is good." Meaning: The food is not good, and the dessert is not good. Both the options are negative too.
not only … but alsonot only … but also is used to highlight or emphasize an additional element in the sentence, especially when its occurrence seems contradictory or surprising in light of what is already known. Examples: "This bag is not only high-quality but also attractive." Meaning: This bag is not limited to its high quality because it is also attractive. "Not only is he a champion in chess, but he is also one of the most charming young men in the industry." Meaning: He is a champion in chess, but there is more. He is also one of the most charming young men in the industry.
either … oreither … or is a pair opposite to neither...nor. It is used to present two positive options. And it emphasizes the fact that the choice is limited to only the two options given.Examples: "Either Nancy or Betty is paying the bill for this month." Meaning: If we were to choose who is responsible for paying the bill this month, it would be just between Nancy and Betty. "It's either you stay at home, or you'll end up alone in the hospital." Meaning: Just stay at home so you will not end up alone in the hospital because I won't visit you there for not listening to me.
both … andboth … and is used when an emphasis on two elements that are true needs to be put in a sentence. And it is important to note that this pair cannot be used to join two independent clauses, only words or phrases.Examples: The owner can say, "The pen and the pencil are mine." But if the owner needs to emphasize that these two things are owned by him/her, he/she can say: "Both the pen and the pencil are mine." The speaker can say, "Jenny and Lenny are going to the party." But if it needs to be emphasized that the two of them are going to the party, both...and can be used. (refer to the example below) "Both Jenny and Lenny are going to the party." "This van is huge and expensive." To emphasize, one can say, "This van is both huge and expensive."
not … butnot … but pair is used to express a contradiction, negating the first option while emphasizing the second. In other words, the first option is not the right one, but the second one. Examples: "It's not only my dream but my family's dream." "Not the red one but the blue one."
whether … orwhether … or is used to express doubt between two possible options or to express no definite idea about something. Example:"No one could tell what exactly happened. Whether she ran away or has been abducted." Meaning: We do not know or are not sure if she ran away or has been abducted. whether...or can be used to express certainty too that whichever of the two choices given is picked, something will surely happen. Examples:"Whether we go swimming, or we go hiking, we'll sure have fun." Meaning: Whichever of the two choices, we will surely have fun. "I will go with you whether you like it or not." Meaning: Even if you like it or not, I will still go with you.
just as … soThe pair, just as … so is used to indicate that the two elements being joined are similar. Usually, just as begins an independent clause, and so is followed by a second independent clause. Examples:"Just as how fast time flies, so does how fast the kids grow." Meaning: Time flies fast similar to how fast the kids grow."Just as I love watching movies, so does my brother loves reading books." Meaning: I love watching movies, similar to my brother's love of reading books.It can be noticed in the sentences that each contains two independent clauses. |
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