What are Secondary Interjections?

Secondary Interjections are words or phrases taken from words belonging to other classes like nouns, adjectives, or clauses. When used, these interjections convey entirely different meanings.


oh my gosh = oh my god - an expression of wow (exceptionally surprising)

oh my god - (refer to 'oh my gosh!")

bless you - a short for "(May God) bless you."

oh well - expresses a bit of disappointment

what - used to express surprise or disbelief, also used as an informal alternative to "what did you say?"

hey, you = Hey! I'm talking to you!

well - expresses acknowledgment of a statement or situation

damn - used to express anger, agitation, dismay, or contempt

darn = damn

shit - used to express worry, failure, shock, etc.

hell - used to express discontent, anger, or unhappiness

shucks - can be used to express shy gratitude, shock, or disappointment

heck = hell
